Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Rosetta Stone

mood: feeling good
listening to: Tool
were am i: Tafe

Well good morning to ya'll, i know i havnt been on for along while i just had to much to do between home, tafe, work, sleep, eating, playstation, computer, girlfiend, friends, pub, etc, etc. i just havn't had much time to blog...ok... i lie, im just too lazy go figure. i just finished an assesment on Copyright and Royalties, and i believe i went crap. My mind was a blank for most of itso yeah, TA DA!!!

At the moment we are doing audio stuff, mixing songs and what not its fun i like it we just need to create a foley list and then add foley to our animation we did a while back. on another not what have i been doing outside of tafe, nothing much really but i did make some character sheets for WOD (World of Darkness) its a vampire roleplaying game were you concentrate more on character acting then rolling, its good for somthing to do and awesome exersise if your a drama person.

I gonna put them up for people to look at but i just did a copyright assesment so i dont want to get in trouble but when i do all of the images etc belong to their respected owners and what not.

But for now i must do random shiet!!! cya.

- mit