Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Rosetta Stone

mood: feeling good
listening to: Tool
were am i: Tafe

Well good morning to ya'll, i know i havnt been on for along while i just had to much to do between home, tafe, work, sleep, eating, playstation, computer, girlfiend, friends, pub, etc, etc. i just havn't had much time to blog...ok... i lie, im just too lazy go figure. i just finished an assesment on Copyright and Royalties, and i believe i went crap. My mind was a blank for most of itso yeah, TA DA!!!

At the moment we are doing audio stuff, mixing songs and what not its fun i like it we just need to create a foley list and then add foley to our animation we did a while back. on another not what have i been doing outside of tafe, nothing much really but i did make some character sheets for WOD (World of Darkness) its a vampire roleplaying game were you concentrate more on character acting then rolling, its good for somthing to do and awesome exersise if your a drama person.

I gonna put them up for people to look at but i just did a copyright assesment so i dont want to get in trouble but when i do all of the images etc belong to their respected owners and what not.

But for now i must do random shiet!!! cya.

- mit

Monday, August 20, 2007

long, long time

Well i havn't posted anything for a while, mainly becuase I'm lazy and couldn't really give a damn, but i'll tell you whats been happening in my life so far from the last time i posted till now.

well, for the most part i have just been working at k-mart, and doing tafe work. finished my story boards fro my 30 sec animation and now justbumming and what not. but i did turn 18 on the 16th of august, and we all went out friday night drinking, because about six people turn either 18, 19, 20, or 24 so it was quite fun.

thats all from me im not much of a talker so stick it.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I bought a cool shirt not long ago it is a green shirt with a mushroom on it, but not just any mushroom but the 1up mushrrom from mario brothers, it was worth the $20. after looking at it and wereing it i was browsing and i saw alot of angsty/emo people on their so i decided to create a dp for my page on deviantart.

here it is: The Angsty Mushroom
(the colours a bit dodge)

Sunday, July 8, 2007

For the first part, i hate customers... i wish i was allowed to wield a weapon at work so i can smite all that are stupid. have you seen my child? fair enough she's lost her child, but no description, no name, no anything, but just a question have you seen my child? No i haven't seen your fucking child but i hear screams coming from the snake pit, just have a look in there!!!!
I have worked 40+ hours so far, and I'm fucking tired. i wish people would curl up and die at closing time and resurrect themselves an hour after we open. I'll feel much better then, but no we always have to have 16 customers deciding that they are better than us and will waste our time fuck-arsing around, 6 o'clock means close people, so fuck off. This is a bitching post in my language, so nyah!

Also i have done a couple of more star signs, I'll post them up shortly after this.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's got a life of its own.

Well to be honest i don't have much to say, I'm not very good at blogs, but we were asked to create one so here it is. I like to start out buy saying hi to all the other blogger's, and to say that my blog will now become my personal portfolio.
Because I'm an amature artists, i like to draw a lot and create CG art as well, at the moment I'm currently making star signs for a role playing game that i am creating. i have finished a few using a tutorial that a friend of mine found and showed me. it's quite awesome I'll put it up later.
Well i'm gonna go do some stuff, cya next time.