Sunday, July 8, 2007

For the first part, i hate customers... i wish i was allowed to wield a weapon at work so i can smite all that are stupid. have you seen my child? fair enough she's lost her child, but no description, no name, no anything, but just a question have you seen my child? No i haven't seen your fucking child but i hear screams coming from the snake pit, just have a look in there!!!!
I have worked 40+ hours so far, and I'm fucking tired. i wish people would curl up and die at closing time and resurrect themselves an hour after we open. I'll feel much better then, but no we always have to have 16 customers deciding that they are better than us and will waste our time fuck-arsing around, 6 o'clock means close people, so fuck off. This is a bitching post in my language, so nyah!

Also i have done a couple of more star signs, I'll post them up shortly after this.

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